NS Newsletter 022: 13 January 2012

This Issue

Softener 2 64-bit is here!

It's the plugin you've been asking for: Softener 2 is now 64-bit!


If you've ever wished that you could use Softener with your shiny new 64-bit image editor, now you can. And it's even faster than the 32-bit version:

There's a small upgrade fee to cover the development costs of the 64-bit version. If you already have Softener 2, the 64-bit upgrade is just $10, and there are discounts for Softener 1 users too:


New to Softener? The full Softener 2 pack is $35, and the 32-bit-only version is still available for $25. (Phew. Lots of versions. Got all that?) We know a lot of people have been waiting for this one, so we really hope you like it!

10 Years: Thank You!

On January 1st this year, namesuppressed officially marked 10 years in business. Though namesuppressed has been around longer than that; 15 years ago the first namesuppressed webpages went online at Geocities to promote the Rubicon album. (namesuppressed actually started as a rock band, and our first Photoshop Plugins were created to help design the album's liner notes & website!)

Thank you so much for your support over the last 10 years - it's greatly appreciated!

Listening Booth

Don't worry, I promise there are no Eurovision songs this month! New on the stereo at namesuppressed HQ are the brand new tracks from industrial rock band Intrasonic. Originally from Perth, Australia, they've since moved to Berlin. Rise & Fall is their new song, with vocals that are reminiscent of Celldweller.

For a much more relaxing alternative, the Paris Cafe radio channel at JazzRadio.com has been providing a great cafe ambience here at the HQ while programming. Some excellent smooth jazz tracks:

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