Is there a Mac version of your software?
Short version: Not yet - but we have working prototypes in the labs!
Long version: Development has started on our Mac OS X Photoshop plugins. We do not have a planned release date yet. Thank you to all the Mac users who have emailed us, we appreciate your support!

Supported Programs / OS / CPUs (may change)
We hope to support Intel Macs, focusing on support for OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) but we think we might be able to get compatibility working as far back as OS X 10.7 (Lion).
For the Mac graphics program compatibility, we're doing most of our development and testing on Photoshop CC 2015 and Affinity Photo, but we're aiming for compatibility with Photoshop Elements 6 and newer. We have prototypes working on all of these with various degrees of success.
Mac Framework Choice
For the techies who are interested: we've been working with Apple's Carbon framework mostly. It still provides the quickest route for taking our Windows C code and porting it almost directly across. The interface is in Cocoa, just like in Adobe's SDKs, but the Cocoa / Carbon interactions are still making for many headaches in the process.
Porting / Outsourcing?
Our plugins are being rewritten natively for the Mac in C++, using native Mac frameworks. This is not a port, as our Windows code is not written in C++. We've been trying to develop the plugins ourselves, but time constraints and a few tech obstacles have hampered our efforts. But while the plugins are being written in-house, we've been receiving a lot of help and support from people like Harry Heim, Martijn van der Lee and Alex Hunter .
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