All written, audio, design and graphic elements comprising the
namesuppressed web site (hereafter referred to as "the site") are
©1997-2003 Kohan Ikin, except where otherwise stated. Photography
is ©1998, 2000 Simon Wright and Matt Parker. All content on the
site may not be distributed, duplicated, copied, broadcast or
altered without the prior written consent of the copyright
owners, except where otherwise stated.

Images marked on the presskit page may be used freely, so long as
the photographer is credited and the address of this website
(www.namesuppressed.com) is mentioned somewhere on the page. See
below for photo credits.
Audio files on this site (including MPEG Layer 3, RealAudio,
Impulse Tracker and Scream Tracker format files) are provided for
personal (non-commercial) use only. Any copying, renting, lending,
diffusion, public performance or broadcast of these files without
the authority of the copyright owner is prohibited.
Basically, unless we've already told you it's okay, please ask
permission before you use anything on this site
"surreal" by Simon Wright, Nov 1998
"official shot" by Simon Wright, Oct 1998
"also surreal" by Matt Parker, June 2000

The following equipment was used to develop this website:
- 486DX/2 66Mhz, 32MB RAM
- Umax Astra 610S scanner
- Iomega Zip Drive
- Helios TextPad 4.1
- Paint Shop Pro 5.03
- Cool Edit 2000
- Netscape Navigator 3 Gold
- Netscape Navigator 4.08
- Opera 4.0 Beta 3
- WebTV Viewer

Special thanks fly out to - Simon Wright for his website
design advice & photography & for giving me a kick when I need it,
Matt Parker for wearing a silly hat & helping with photos & his
general support, Christin Singh for helping with WebTV
compatibility and supporting me when I need it most,
and Michelle Jorgensen,
Chris Hoar, Katy Hackling, Matt Sheard, Kara
Donnelly and Claye Parkinson for being the original
namesuppressed fans. Your names shall never be suppressed.
Hmmm. That last sentence is kinda lame, isn't it?
namesuppressed (ABN 36 191 253 045)
PO Box 164, Greenwood WA 6924, Australia
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